David Fincher:Demons Beyond Imagination

Date of birth (location):1963,Ashland, Oregonm
Mini biography:David Finchergrew up in Ashland, Oregon. From the age of ... (show more)

当70,80年代"星球大战"席卷美国大陆时,大卫芬奇也象其他美国人一样,受到了电影艺术的强烈震撼.在看过了"Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)"后,他下定了决心,投身于电影事业.

为了取得工作经验,他先是在一家动画公司打工,18岁时,芬奇加入了由乔治鲁卡斯领导的著名的"光魔工业"(ILM).他在ILM工作了四年参与了"Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)"和 "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)"这两部影片的制作.

在离开了ILM后,他开始从事电视广告的摄制工作,并为Aerosmith,Madonna以及Paula Abdul 这些导演过Music Videod.但是,电影才是芬奇的理想.经过多年的积累,大卫芬奇于1992年获得了导演"异形(Alien)"系列第三集的机会.但是,这部影片并不为影评人所看好."Alien3"的失败使他又回到了制作广告和Music Video的老路上. 失败的打击使他的信心遭受了前所未有的打击,这使他怀疑自己是否还有机会实现自己的理想.

但是,命运总是青睐有准备的人.1995年,大卫芬奇和布拉德皮特,摩根弗里曼合作的黑色片"Se7en"的成功打消了他所有的顾虑.他的努力和才华终于得到了肯定.《七宗罪》是一部黑色的悬疑恐怖片,反映了人们对于社会问题的极端看法.在影片末尾凯文史贝西和布拉德皮特的精彩对白堪称经典.而最终当凯文史贝西平静的对布拉德皮特说 "I'm envy and you wrath" 时 ,更是表现了对信仰的怀疑和质问:当信仰具体到个人时,它还有客观标准和依据吗?


1999年,《角斗俱乐部》的上映更是将大卫芬奇的导演才能得到了充分的发挥.可以说,"fight club"不仅仅是一部影片,而且是一部哲学.深刻的揭露了病态价值观对人类思想的奴役.它的出色剪辑和制作为它赢得了2000 Oscar 的多项提名.

正象他本人所说的那样:"I have demons you can't even imagine."


<<Movie & Role Name>> <<Poster>>

Director - filmography
(1990s) (1980s)

  1. Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99 (1999) (V)
  2. Fight Club (1999)
  3. Game, The (1997)
  4. Se7en (1995)
  5. Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look at (1994) (V)
  6. Alien³ (1992)
  7. Vogue (1990)
  8. Beat of the Live Drum, The (1985)

Miscellaneous crew - filmography

  1. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) (matte photography)
  2. Twice Upon a Time (1983) (special photographic effects)
  3. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) (assistant cameraman: miniature and optical effects unit)
    ... aka Return of the Jedi (1983) (USA: short title)

Actor - filmography

  1. Being John Malkovich (1999) (uncredited) .... Christopher Bing

Special Effects - filmography

  1. Unendliche Geschichte, Die (1984) (matte photography assistant)
    ... aka NeverEnding Story, The (1984) (UK) (USA)


  1. 'Donya Fiorentino' (divorced); 1 daughter


  1. Daughter, with Fiorentino, Felix
  2. Lived for several years in Ashland, Oregon and graduated from Ashland High School.

Personal quotes

  1. "I don't know how much movies should entertain. To me I'm always interested in movies that scar. The thing I love about JAWS is the fact that I've never gone swimming in the ocean again."
  2. "I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but somebody has to."
  3. "I have demons you can't even imagine."


  1. Sky is Falling, The (1997)---$4,250,000


